Chapter 2 - Principles

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True or False - Scrum principles can be modified to meet requirements

False. Scrum principle must be adhered to.

In Scrum, decisions are based on _____ as opposed to upfront planning?

Observation and experimentation

______ promotes an easy and open flow of information, which creates an open work culture?


Transparency can be depicted through

Vision Statement
Product backlog
Release planning schedule
Scrum boards
Daily stand ups
Sprint review meetings

What are the goals of self -organized scrum teams?

1.) Understand project vision
2.) Estimate user stories
3.) Create tasks
4.) Create Deliverables
5.) Continuous learning

What are 2 key benefits of collaboration?

1.) Better requirements
2.) Risks are identified and dealt with immediately
3.) Continuous improvement through lessons learned.

At what processes do risk typically get identified?

Develop epics process
Create deliverables process
daily stand-up process

Who prioritizes user stories in the backlog?

Product owner, after determining value with the customer

Who identifies dependencies between requirements?

The Scrum team

What has to be considered while prioritizing requirements?

1.) Value
2.) Risks
3.) Dependencies

What is gold-plating?

Excessive improvement of an item

How can one avoid gold -plating?


what is the ideal daily stand-up duration?

15 minutes

How long is a Spring planning meeting for a 4 week sprint?

8 hrs

Spring planing is divided into 2 parts what re they?

1.) Objective definition - sprint goal
2.) Task estimation

What is the duration of a sprint review meeting for a month sprint?

4 hrs

What is the duration of a retrospect sprint meeting for a 1 month sprint?

4 hrs

Change is accommodated via

Iterative development

________allows for course correction?

Iterative development

Scrum aims to deliver ________ value in ______ amount of time

greatest, shortest