Persisch: Ezafe 2

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  1. Look at the card, do you know this one? Click to flip the card and check yourself.
  2. Mark card Right or Wrong, this card will be removed from the deck and your score kept.
  3. At any point you can Shuffle, Reveal cards and more via Deck controls.
  4. Continue to reveal the wrong cards until you have correctly answered the entire deck. Good job!
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    “Repetition is the mother of all learning.”
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Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

meine Schule

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deine Sprache

زبانِ تو

unser Apfel

سیبِ ما

euer Gott

خدا‌ی شما

das grosse Haus meiner Mutter

خانه‌یِ بزرگِ مادرِ من
خانه‌یِ بزرگِ مادرَم

das Auto deines kleinen Bruders

ماشینِ برادرِ کوچکِ تو
ماشینِ برادرِ کوچکَت

unser Zucker

شکرِ ما

meine alte Universität

دانشگاهِ قدیمِ من
دانشگاهِ قدیمَم

eure Studenten

دانشجوهایِ شما

seine schwierige Übung

تمرینِ سختِ او
تمرینِ سختَش

ihre (Pl.) schmutzige Strasse

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خیابانِ کثیفِشان

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