Criminology Unit 4

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Mistreatment of one person by another, typically in family or dating relationships

Acquaintance robbery

robbery of a person whom the robber knows

Aggravated robbery

robbery that may result in injuries to the victim

Armed robbery

robbery using a weapon


Attempted battery or the threat of immediate battery of another person


A physical attack on another person

Bias crime

another name for hate crime


entering a structure illegally, usually with the goal of stealing


the robbery of a car when a person is present in the vehicle

Church Arson Prevention Act 1996

legislation that imposed specific penalties for
damaging religious property or interfering with a person’s ability to practice his or her religious beliefs

Civil Rights Act of 1964

legislation that ended racial segregation in public places and employment discrimination

Civil Rights Act of 1968

legislation that (among other changes) made it a federal crime to intimidate anyone based on race, color, religion or national origin


the practice of setting a cross on fire, which is viewed as a symbol of

Expressive violence

violence that results from intense emotions such as rage or frustration


coercing money, property, or services using intimidation and threats.

First degree murder

killing a person after premeditation

Hate crime

a violent act against person or property directed toward members of a particular group which is punished with a harsher penalty

Hate speech

speech that offends or threatens groups based on race, color religion,
national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits


the killing of another human being

Human instinct

a pattern of behavior that is part of human biological responses to stimuli

Instrumental violence

violence that appears rational and helps the criminal achieve a goal

Involuntary manslaughter

a killing that results from a person having disregard for how harmful their actions could be but without the intent to cause a person harm

James Byrd Jr.

an African American man who was murdered to his race and whose
case led to changes in the law


killing a person without the intent to cause a person harm

Mass murder

a person who murders multiple people in a single event, usually four or more

Matthew Shepard

a gay man who was murdered due to his sexuality and whose case led to changes in the law

Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act 2009

an expansion of previous legislation to include hate crimes motivated by gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability

Mean world syndrome

an exaggerated view of the role of crime in society based on media images of violent crime

Mississippi Burning

a case involving the murders of civil rights workers that led to national outrage


the intentional, unlawful killing of a human being


Abuse that results from a person not caring for another individual who is need of care


making the most of opportunities to commit a crime based on the
circumstances of the moment

Penalty enhancement

increases in penalties for an offense


a negative opinion of a group that is based on preconceived ideas


planning a crime in advance of committing that crime


the stealing or attempt to steal property using threats or force

Second degree murder

killing a person without premeditation but with disregard for the person’s life and the intent to cause another person harm

Serial killer

a person who murders a series of people in separate incidents, usually
three or more

Sexual violence

a sexual act committed against a person who did not give consent

Spree killer

a person who murders multiple people in a short amount of time, usually
at multiple locations

Subculture of violence

a segment of society in which violence has become legitimized by the custom and norms of that group


the stealing of property

Victim blaming

a belief that a victim of violence is at least partially at fault for their situation

Violent Control and Enforcement Act 1994

legislation that increased the penalties for hate crimes

Violent crime

a crime in which the offender uses or threatens to use violent force upon
the victim

Voluntary manslaughter

a killing that occurred suddenly in the heat of the moment without the intent to cause a person harm

Voting Rights Act of 1965

legislation intended to end barriers to voting on the state and local level

White supremacy

the belief that white people are superior to people of color.