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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

the pedigree

le pedigree

We'll get him on the loan sharking.
lit: the usurious loans

On le pognera sur les prêts usuraires.

When people don't pay it's a thrashing.
lit: the volley (as in volley of blows)

Quand les gens payent pas c'est la volée.
(la volée de coups)

They forged ties over the years.
- to weave

Ils ont tissé des liens à travers les années.
- tisser

the hose (QC) (not "le tuyau")

la hose (th/QC - heard on Ruptures)

For nine years he would keep the institution at arm's length.
- at arm's length

Pendant neuf ans il tiendra l'établissement à bout de bras.
- à bout de bras

He mislead Parliament.
- to mislead sb

Il a induit le parlement en erreur.
- induire qn en erreur

the bonus

le boni

to flatter, less common: to stroke
the flattery

flatter (2)
la flatterie

(the judge)
The session is adjourned.
Hint: not "ajournée"

(le juge)
La séance est levée.

For some time she was in a hellhole.
- the hellhole, the slum

Pour un temps elle a été dans un taudis.
- le taudis (2)

Downtown Montreal is teeming after the scarcity of the pandemic.
- to teem/to swarm (with)
- the scarcity, the shortage

Le centre-ville de Montréal fourmille après la disette de la pandémie.
- fourmiller (de) (intrans) (2) ('y' sound)
- la disette (2)

She needs to be whispered to that everything will be all right.

Elle a besoin de se faire chuchoter que tout va bien aller.

the thankless task

la tâche ingrate

the car seat

le banc d'auto

a stroke

un AVC (accident vasculaire cérébrale)

the forfeiture of parental authority
- the forfeiture

la déchéance d'autorité parentale
- la déchéance

the indecent assault/exposure

(le) attentat à la pudeur (2)



He is supposed to get back to me with his decision very soon.
- very soon (incessantly)

Il doit me revenir avec sa décision incessament.

We can't afford redundancy.
lit: we can't permit ourselves

On peut pas se permettre une redondance.

I have my faults.
- the fault (not "la faille")

J'ai mes torts.
- le tort

I agreed with them.
m/ I said they were right.

Je leur ai donné raison.

Recent events appear to prove us right.

Les récents événements semblent nous donner raison.

the lovebirds

les tourtereaux

I would like to tell my boss to f--- off.
lit: to send to sh--

Je voudrais envoyer chier mon boss.

She had some pretty stormy meetings.
- stormy

Elle a eu des rencontres assez houleuses.
- houleux(se)

the pharmaceutical (company)

la pharmaceutique

a law to repeal mandatory minimum sentences
- to abrogate, to repeal

une loi pour abroger les peines minimales obligatoires
- abroger (2)

Let him stew a bit.
Hint: do not translate
- to marinate
(to stew)

Fais-le mariner un peu.
- mariner
