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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

She wasn't hungry at all.

No tenía nada de hambre.

It's not good at all.

No está nada bien.

the coal mine
- the mine

la mina de carbón
- la mina

Don't be a wise guy.
lit: don't play the joker
- the joker

No te hagas el chistoso.
- el chistoso, la chistosa

Do I need to say it?

¿Hace falta que lo diga?
(impersonal: note subj)

You don't know how wrong you are.

No sabes lo equivocada que estás.

You don't have school today?
- the school, the university (the faculty)

¿No tienes facultad hoy?
- la facultad (2)

(she slept in)
I had some sleep to catch up on.
lit: I had some sleep overdue

(se quedó dormida)
Tenía algo de sueño atrasado.

She can't keep her eyes open.
lit: her eyes are closing on their own

Los ojos se le cierran solos.

We train not for if it happens but for when it happens.

Entrenamos no por si sucede sino por cuando suceda.
(note subjunctive)

I broke up with Ivan.
She told me you(all) broke up.
Hint: not "rompieron"

Corté con Iván.
Me dijo que cortaron.

They didn't want to take a bullet for a child.
(Hint: take a walk, take a bite, take a step)
- to take (when performing an action)

No quisieron dar una bala por un niño.
(dar un paseo, dar un bocado, dar un paso)
- dar

in a few days, at most a week

en unos días, a lo sumo en una semana

the highest authority
- highest (utmost)

la suma autoridad
- sumo/a

Eva is very perceptive about those things.
- perceptive

Eva es muy perceptiva para esas cosas.
- perceptivo/a

to detonate
the detonation

la detonación



(AMLO will skip the Summit of the Americas)
AMLO's snub
(not "la bofetada')

(AMLO no asistirá a la Cumbre de las Américas)
el desaire de AMLO



Where are we going this weekend? :: Anywhere / Wherever!

¿A dónde vamos este fin de semana? :: ¡A donde sea! (2)

an uncontrollable desire
- uncontrollable (not "incontrolable")
- uncontrollably (not "incontrolablemente")

un deseo incontenible
- incontenible
- inconteniblemente

by dint of insisting so much

a fuerza de tanto insistir

She listened to her classmates.
(to listen to, to take notice of)

Les hizo caso a sus compañeras.
(hacer caso)

Negotiations are continuing with a view to greater controls on the sale of arms.
- with a view to

Continúan las negociaciones con miras a mayores controles para la venta de armas
- con miras a
(para: in order [to control])

the meteorological service
- meteorological
- the meteorologist
- the meteorology

el servicio meteorológico
- meteorológico/a
- el meteorólogo, la meteoróloga
- la meteorología

The counties have set up cooling centers.
- the county
- to set up (to authorize, to enable)
- the cooling

Los condados han habilitado centros de enfriamiento.
- el condado
- habilitar
- el enfriamiento

She wonders if Victor could have asked for her cell only out of politeness.
lit: will have asked
lit: by commitment
- out of politeness

Se pregunta si Victor le habrá pedido su celular solo por compromiso.
- por compromiso
(note future perfect to denote uncertainty)
