Azure AZ-300 study

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Terms and concepts to prep for the AZ-300 azure exam

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What is a virtual network gateway?

Can be VPN or ExpressRoute Gateway
A virtual network gateway is composed of two or more VMs that are deployed to a specific subnet you create called the gateway subnet.

Azure import export Service

Azure Import/Export service is used to securely import large amounts of data to Azure Blob storage and Azure Files by shipping disk drives to an Azure datacenter.

Service Bus queue how do you ensure FIFO?

Enable Sessions

Global Administrator

Users who are assigned to the Global administrator role can read and modify every administrative setting in your Azure AD organization. By default, the person who signs up for an Azure subscription is assigned the Global administrator role for the Azure AD organization. Only Global administrators and Privileged Role administrators can delegate administrator roles.

Which LB provides 99.99% SLA

Standard, not Basic

Function app hosting = Consumption

The Consumption plan is the default hosting plan and offers the following benefits:

- Pay only when your functions are running
- Scale out automatically, even during periods of high load

Function apps hosting plan = Premium

Perpetually warm instances to avoid any cold start
VNet connectivity
Unlimited execution duration
Premium instance sizes (one core, two core, and four core instances)
More predictable pricing
High-density app allocation for plans with multiple function apps

Function app hosting plan = Dedicated Plan

Which authentications can do both MFA and SSPR

Password, Microsoft Authenticator app, SMS, voice call

SAS - Shared Access Signatures

A shared access signature (SAS) provides secure delegated access to resources in your storage account without compromising the security of your data.