CAPM Chapter 9

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authority power

PM team members may have authority over other PM team members, the ability to make decisions, and authority to sign approvals for project work and purchases.

coercive power

Authority to discipline; also known as penalty power.

expert power

Power comes from experience with the technology the project focuses on and from expertise in managing projects.

forcing power

Person with the power makes the decision.

formal power

Recognized title or position.

halo effect

Tendency to judge a person with 1 observed positive characteristic as having other positive characteristics, even though they are not related.

Herzberg's Theory of Motivation

Motivators/hygiene factors .. says money is a hygiene factor.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

5 needs - No movement between needs.

McClelland's Theory of Needs

People are driven by achievement, affiliation, or power.

McGregor's Theory of X and Y

X=incompetent and need to be micromanaged; Y=competent and self-led

Ouchi's Theory Z

Workers are motivated by a sense of commitment, opportunity, and advancement.

political interfaces

Hidden goals, personal agendas, and alliances among project team members and stakeholders.

RACI chart

Matrix chart that includes activities of responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.

referent power

Personally knowing a person.

resource breakdown structure (RBS)

Hierarchical chart that reflects the project by the type of resources used throughout it.

responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)

Chart that shows correlation between team members and the work they've been assigned to complete.


Conflict resolution approach to minimize the perceived size of the problem. It is a temporary solution.

Vroom's expectancy theory

People will behave based on what they expect as a result or reward for their behavior.

Tuckman's ladder

Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning. These represent 5 stages of team development.