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RHCSA Flash cards EX200

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does LVM save metadata about each volume?
how many copies does it make? where, and why there?

Yes, LVM saves metadata about volumes in the begging, and we can choose ourselves whether we want to make 0,1 or 2 copies of this metadata.

how to show enabled repositories on the system?

yum repolist

which file should you modify in order to mount specific files on reboot? (automatically)


If I am the user user1, will I be able to watch the Virtual Machines of user2?
what If I will be root?

You can only watch your own Virtual Machines, unless you are the root user, then, you can watch everyone's.

where are the DNS servers addresses are being saved?
(The servers which we send DNS requests to)


what is a volume group?

A combination of physical volumes, which creates a space that can be allocated by the LVM.

what is the commands for:
finding files in your current directory who owned by root, and modified in the last 3 days

find . -name root -mtime -3

LVM acronym

Logical Volume Manager

how to remove all process owned by the user "user"?

pkill - u user $(pgrep -u user)
get all process of the user user and kill them.

Remove the httpd package, and it's cache files

yum remove httpd
yum clean all

where are the repositories configuration files (.repo) are being kept?


what is the tool for working on GPT based partitions?


how to install, enable, and start the at daemon?

yum install at
systemctl enable atd
systemctl start atd

how to select your current time zone?

timedatectl set-timezone America/Chicago
chronic restart

Inside virsh, how to watch running domains?
how to start a virtual machine?
how to shut down a virtual machine?

list - will show only running domains
start domain_name - will start the specific domain
shutdown domain_name - will shut down the domain
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