Unit 2: Drums

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bass drum

large drum played with the right foot on a pedal; used to keep a steady beat.

snare drum

small drum with metal coils stretched along the bottom head; used to accent certain beats in a drum pattern.


standard cylindrical drums


a pair of cymbals attached to a foot pedal mechanism played with the left foot pedal or hit with sticks; used to fill in the gaps between bass and snare drum hits.


a large thick cymbal used to fill in the gaps between snare and bass drum hits typically used in jazz music.


thin cymbal used to punctuate musical phrases.


a "punctuation" or transition of different music played at the end of a groove


a pattern played on beats two and four


a pattern played on beats one and three


the rule for grouping beats into measures and emphasizing some beats more than others


when each beat is divided into more than one part


the word or symbol used to represent each subdivision


listening, memorizing, playing back, and notating a musical pattern


a form of music notation that uses a grid to represent what sound is played at what time
