Phylum: Mollusca - soft bodied

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Class: Monoplacophora - Monoplacophorans Class: Polyplacophora - Chitons Class: Bivalvia - Bivalves Class: Gastropoda - Gastropods Class: Scaphopoda - Tusk Shells Class: Cephalopoda - Octopus/squid

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What characteristic is responsible for the branching off of the mollusks from earlier animals?


What level of organization do these organisms demonstrate?

organ system level

How many tissues layers do these organisms have?


What is the shell made of?

calcium carbonate shell

What three body parts do they all have?

muscular foot (movement)
visceral mass (internal organs)
mantle (secrete a shell)

What structure do most of these animals have?


When did they show up in the evolutionary history?

early Cambrian

Where are they found?


What phylum is this in?
What is it called?

Phylum: Mollusca

Front image: 

Type of digestive system

Alimentary Canal

Type of Excretory System


Type of Respiratory system

gills or lungs

Type of nervous system

paired cerebral ganglia

Type of Body Cavity


Type of Asexual Reproduction
