Introduction to Robotics for Middle School

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Basic robotics related vocabulary.

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A program designed for the user to perform a task.


A collection of statements that can be grouped together to be treated as one statement.

Block-Based Programming Language

Any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating “blocks” or graphical programing elements, rather than writing code using text.


An error in a program that prevents the program from running as expected.


The language that programmers create and use to tell a computer what to do.


An instruction for the computer. Many commands put together make up algorithms and computer programs.

Computational Thinking

The process of formulating and solving problems by breaking them down into simple steps.

Computer Science

Using the power of computers to identify, investigate, and solve problems.


Finding and correcting errors within a program.


Using practical & scientific knowledge to create solutions for identified problems.

Engineering Design Process

The steps that engineers use to design something to solve a problem.


A way to give information to a computer.


An algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Programming Language

A set of instructions, commands, and rules for communicating with and controlling computers.


Pseudocode- An informal programming description that does not involve any strict programming language. It is intended to be read by a human, not a computer.


The type of specialized engineering that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots.


Any man-made machine that can perform work or other actions normally performed by humans.


Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a broad term used to group together these academic disciplines.


A slender rod with the primary function to transmit rotation motion. (It makes things turn.)


A structural element with holes to connect other pieces using pins. Beams come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Color Sensor

A device that distinguishes colors.


A tooth wheel transmitting rotation motion.


An actuating device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.


Connectors used to link beams together.


A circular part onto which a tire is mounted.


A circular part that covers a rim.

Touch Sensor

A device that detects the push and release.