affirmation avenue

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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

My mind's ability to learn and remember is increasing every day

My mind's ability to learn and remember is increasing every day.

I have a sharp mind that makes me a very good student

I have a sharp mind that makes me a very good student.

I am advancing to new levels by learning more each day

I am advancing to new levels by learning more each day.

I feel thankful to be a student and it shows

I feel thankful to be a student and it shows.

I radiate positive energy

I radiate positive energy.

I am a gifted student

and I can achieve anything

I am a talented and prominent student

I am a talented and prominent student.

I have self-respect and dignity

I have self-respect and dignity.

I make a positive impact on other students? lives

I make a positive impact on other students? lives.

I am kind and courteous to all people

I am kind and courteous to all people.

I strive to do my best every day

I strive to do my best every day.

I embrace life as a student

I embrace life as a student.

I am on the journey of becoming a very successful student

I am on the journey of becoming a very successful student.

I am advancing to new levels by learning more each day

I am advancing to new levels by learning more each day.

It is possible for me to achieve all my goals because my true potential is limitless

It is possible for me to achieve all my goals because my true potential is limitless.

My mind absorbs and processes new information with greater speed

My mind absorbs and processes new information with greater speed.

I love gaining knowledge which helps me in growing to my full potential

I love gaining knowledge which helps me in growing to my full potential.

I have a sharp mind that makes me a very good student

I have a sharp mind that makes me a very good student.

I am a very quick learner

I am a very quick learner.

I am very good at gaining knowledge and making proper use of it

I am very good at gaining knowledge and making proper use of it.

My mind?s ability to learn and remember is increasing every day

My mind?s ability to learn and remember is increasing every day.

It's okay not to know everything

I can always learn

I start with a positive mindset

I start with a positive mindset.

I am capable

I am capable.

I am in control of my progress

I am in control of my progress.

I create a healthy balance in my life

I create a healthy balance in my life.

I can get through everything

I can get through everything.

I am building my future

I am building my future.

I can change the world

I can change the world.

I will win at what I put my mind to

I will win at what I put my mind to.

I am excited to step into a new world

I am excited to step into a new world.

Anything is possible

Anything is possible.

I will continue to expand my mind

I will continue to expand my mind.

I am worthy to receive

I am worthy to receive.

Nothing can stop me from living the life of my dreams

Nothing can stop me from living the life of my dreams.

I am a beautiful person

I matter

I choose healthy ways to deal with stress

I choose healthy ways to deal with stress.

There is no reason for me to compare myself to others

There is no reason for me to compare myself to others.

I?m only human and we all make mistakes

I?m only human and we all make mistakes.

Success is not final

and failure is not fatal

I am blessed to live this life that I have created

I am blessed to live this life that I have created.

Every day

I improve myself in some way

I am worthy of deep connections

I am worthy of deep connections.

I love and approve of myself

I love and approve of myself.

I am always relaxed during exams

I am always relaxed during exams.

Getting good grades is natural for me

Getting good grades is natural for me.

I am learning to enjoy studying

I am learning to enjoy studying.

While writing answers

I recall information quickly

I work both hard and smartly to clear my exams

I work both hard and smartly to clear my exams.

I look forward to a great result of my exams

I look forward to a great result of my exams.

I succeed even in stressful situations

I succeed even in stressful situations.

Recalling information while writing in exams is easy

Recalling information while writing in exams is easy.

I am good at turning my nervous feelings into high confidence

I am good at turning my nervous feelings into high confidence.

I will do well in this exam as I am well prepared

I will do well in this exam as I am well prepared.

I am an excellent student

I am an excellent student.

I always pass exams with flying colors

I always pass exams with flying colors.

I know what I need to know for this exam

I know what I need to know for this exam.

I feel good about myself and my preparations for tests and exams

I feel good about myself and my preparations for tests and exams.

I will pass my exams

I will pass my exams.

Education is the gateway to my future! Today I make the most of my academic opportunities

Education is the gateway to my future! Today I make the most of my academic opportunities.

Today I take charge of my education

The more I learn

I value my education as it prepares me for a bright future

I value my education as it prepares me for a bright future.

Learning is life

I love learning and I am good at it! Learning is life. I love learning and I am good at it!

I respect my education because it creates a more complete me

I respect my education because it creates a more complete me.

I am always open to learning in a better way

I am always open to learning in a better way.

Today I set aside my fears and achieve all my educational goals

Today I set aside my fears and achieve all my educational goals.

Whatever I need to learn always comes my way at just the right moment

Whatever I need to learn always comes my way at just the right moment.

I chose to move forward every day

growing and learning as I go! I chose to move forward every day

As my demand for my learning grows

my learning expands

I am a talented student

I am going to learn a lot today

I will follow my dreams

I will follow my dreams.

My self-worth is not determined by any number on a scale

My self-worth is not determined by any number on a scale.

Above all

I want to learn

I am confident I can solve life?s problems successfully

I am confident I can solve life?s problems successfully.

I always stay focused on my studies

I always stay focused on my studies.

I concentrate all my efforts on the things I want to accomplish

I concentrate all my efforts on the things I want to accomplish.

I focus on the important tasks first

I focus on the important tasks first.

I focus on one task at a time

I focus on one task at a time.

My ability to focus is increasing which is making me a peak performer

My ability to focus is increasing which is making me a peak performer.

I always stay focused on my studies

I always stay focused on my studies.

I am recognized as a student with immense focus and determination

I am recognized as a student with immense focus and determination.

I am truly attentive to my work

I am truly attentive to my work.

Every day in every way I am becoming more focused on what I do

Every day in every way I am becoming more focused on what I do.

Staying focused now comes naturally to me

Staying focused now comes naturally to me.

Focusing comes naturally to me

Focusing comes naturally to me.

I always enjoy my studies

I always enjoy my studies.

I stay focused while studying for exams

I stay focused while studying for exams.

I focus well to get good grades

I focus well to get good grades.

When I am exposed to information that benefits me

I absorb it like a sponge! When I am exposed to information that benefits me

I will focus on the important things

and let the rest go

My time is valuable

My time is valuable.

I am free of distractions

I am free of distractions.

Studying with focus comes easily and naturally to me

Studying with focus comes easily and naturally to me.