G-4 Science CH. #2 Vocabulary - Living Things and Their Environment

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The ecosystem, reproduction, and adaptation,

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all the living and nonliving things working together in an area


the kind of weather an area has over time


the tops of trees rising above the canopy in the rainforest

emergent layer

the layer just under the tops of the tallest trees in a rain forest, where most plants and animals live


the shorter trees and bushes under the canopy in a rain forest


a powdery material that flowers need to make seeds


the (male) parts of a plant where pollen comes from


the (female) parts of a plant where seeds are produced


the movement of pollen from the stamen to the pistil


a sweet liquid formed inside flowers


a body feature or way of acting that helps a living thing survive in its environment


how a living thing might not be seen because it blends into its surroundings


how an animal may look like some kind of other living thing


when few of this kind of living thing are surviving


when none of this living thing is alive today
