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Right: #
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# Right & # Wrong of #

T/F. Viruses are considered living organisms

Viruses are NOT considered living organisms

Genetic material (DNA or RNA) are surrounded by...

a protein coat and a capsid

What are protozoans?

Single celled eukaryotic organisms

What are the steps in a viral replication?

3.Production of viral genetic information (DNA or
RNA) and proteins
4.Assembly of new viruses
5. Release of viruses from the host cell
Rupture of host cell membrane

Which are the vectors of the West Nile virus?


What are the four patterns of disease?

1.Sporadic diseases
2.Endemic diseases
3.Epidemic diseases

What do we call a Large-scale outbreak of an infectious disease?


T/F. Emerging disease is a condition with clinically distinct symptoms whose incidence has increased over the last two decades


Reemerging disease is a

A disease that has reappeared after a decline in incidence

Deer ticks are the vectors of which disease?

Lyme disease

Chemicals that inhibit the growth of a bacteria


Lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles


Bacteria comes in three shapes (name them)

Sphere (coccus) Rod (bacillus) Spiral (spirilla)

The relative ability of a pathogen to cause disease is called


protozoan commonly
found in lakes and streams used
as sources of drinking water, even
those in pristine areas


T/F. Antibiotics can Disrupt processes in bacteria but not in human cells, Prevent synthesis of cell walls and Block protein synthesis


Occur occasionally at unpredictable intervals
(Affect a few people within a restricted area)

Sporadic diseases

Always present and pose little threat

Endemic diseases

Occur suddenly and spread rapidly to many people

Epidemic disease

Global outbreak of disease


Virulence is determined by...

Ease and the degree and type of damage to cells

Bacteria helps decompose landfills
