basic html elements

Primary tabs

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# Right & # Wrong of #

this code is an example of what:

number one on the list
number two on the list
a third item

ordered list

What are Attributes

An HTML attribute is a piece of markup language used to adjust the behavior or display of an HTML element.

Name at least 3 html attributes

src, alt, id, lang, href, style, title, value etc...

this is an example of what

opening h1 tag

this is an example of what

closing h1 tag

this is an example of how to leave a comment in html TRUE or FALSE

FALSE correct answer

this is the correct way to structure an image source attribute: src=1.jpg TRUE or FALSE

FALSE correct answer src="1.jpg"

how many header elements are there in html ?

6 . h1 - h6

Certain tags have attributes like the has.....

src and alt attributes.

What does HTML stand for?

Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML links are defined with the tag: TRUE or FALSE