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Which automation tool has the capability to send outbound messages?

Standard Workflow can send outbound messages.

What tool would need to be used to automate deleting a record?

A flow is the only tool that has the capability to delete records.

Which automation tools can be used to create records?

Process Builder and Flow

Which automation tools can have a time delay to start actions?

Standard Workflow and Process Builder can have scheduled actions.

Why would a user not be able to approve from a mobile device?

The security settings on the approval process do not allow external to Salesforce Application approval.

Why would an Approver not be able to edit a record during approval?

Record Editability can be set to allow only Administrators or Approvers also to be able to edit records during an approval process.

Can the submission of a record for approval be automated?

Yes, a record can be submitted for approval using Process Builder, Flow or Apex.

How can it be possible to troubleshoot why an Approval Process did not start?

If enabled, the Debug Log contains details of the evaluation performed when starting an approval process.

How can an administrator troubleshoot when the ‘Submit for Approval’ button doesn’t show on a page layout?

Verify the button and the ‘Approval History’ related list has been added to the page layout.

What should be checked if the approver cannot edit a record when it is in an approval process, but this is required?

Ensure the ‘Record Editability’ setting is to set to Admin and approver.

Which automation tool can be used to guide users through an interactive business process that allow uploading files?


If a user's record has an assigned inactive manager, what happens when the user tries to submit a record for approval to their manager?

An error message appears, which says ‘Unable to Process Approval Request’.

Which settings should be checked by an administrator in Setup to ensure that approval request email notifications are sent to approvers?

Email Deliverability settings by navigating to ‘Deliverability’ in Setup

What can be used to count the number of contacts related to an account and update a custom field on the Account object to display it?

Apex trigger and Flow

If an initial response needs to be sent to a customer when a case is created and then further email notifications need to be sent to interested parties, which tools can be used?

Auto-response rule and workflow rule

What types of processes and flows support external objects?

Event processes, invocable processes, screen flows, and autolaunched flows

Which features allow passing the record Id of the current record to a flow that performs certain operations?

Quick action and Lightning page

Which automation tool can be utilized to display an image to a user on a screen to gather some related information?

Flow (designed using the Flow Builder)

Failed interviews of which flow types can be viewed in the Failed Flow Interviews page in Setup?

Screen flows, record-triggered flows, schedule-triggered flows, and autolaunched flows

Which type of flow can be used to access other records and perform actions when a record is created or updated?

After-save record-triggered flow

Salesforce allows monitoring of which background tasks?

Flows, processes, and asynchronous Apex

How can a user start debugging a flow from inside Flow Builder?

By clicking on the Debug button

Which database operations result in the execution of events in the save order of execution?

Insert, update and upsert.

What table can SOQL query to retrieve information on asynchronous Apex jobs?


What happens to the record when the transaction fails during a save request?

Changes to the record are rolled back.

Which automation tool can be used to gather user input?

A Flow can accept user input in one or more linked screens, similar to a wizard.

Which automation is run first in the save order of execution: a before-save record-triggered flow or a process?

Before-save record-triggered flow.

Which triggers are executed during the execution of a workflow rule that contains a field update in the save order of execution?

Before and after triggers.