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What are the different types of AppExchange use cases?

Generic, Functional and Industry Specific

What are some examples of Generic AppExchange use cases?

Document Generation, Data Loaders, Document Signing, Email, GeoLocation

What are some examples of Functional AppExchange use cases?

Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, HR

What are some examples of Industry Specific AppExchange use cases?

Healthcare and Life Sciences (Veeva), Real Estate, Education, Non Profit, Financial Services

What is required to create a job that runs every night?

Apex code and Apex Scheduler can be used to create a job that runs on a scheduled basis. Flows can also be scheduled to run periodically.

Is Apex code required to create, delete and update records?

No, Flow can create, update, and delete records while Process Builder can only create and update.

What kind of accounts are there and how are they used?

Business Accounts and Person Accounts. Business Accounts are used for B2B selling and Person Accounts are for B2C.

Is Apex code required to use the Email-to-Case functionality?

No, Email-to-Case can be configured using clicks. However, Apex code is required to extend or change the standard behavior.

How would a customer request for pricing of different product grouping be tracked?

Quotes could be added to an opportunity, each with a different combination of related products.

What is a Person Account?

A Person Account is used for B2C situations and is an account made up of one Account and one Contact record. It is not enabled by default. It must be requested and enabled by Salesforce Support.

What does field-level security control?

Field-level security controls if a field is visible or read-only at the profile level.

How is the role hierarchy related to record access?

Users will have access to other users’ records if they have a role above the record owner in the role hierarchy.

How does Manager Group sharing work?

Manager Group sharing allows users to share records with their manager group or manager subordinate group, that is those above or below in the hierarchy, based on the manager field in the user record.

How do sharing rules work?

Rules can be created to grant access to groups of users for certain records based on record owner or criteria.

What should be considered when changing OWD settings?

If increasing default access, changes will take effect immediately. If decreasing default access, changes may take significant time depending on data volumes.

What is manual sharing?

Manual sharing allows a user to use the ‘Sharing’ button to grant access to a specific record to other users, roles, public groups, or territories.

What allows sharing individual records with roles or individual users?

Manual sharing

What should be used to grant a single user additional access to an object in Salesforce?

Permission set

Which organization-wide default sharing setting would need to be used to ensure that users cannot access account records that are not owned by them?
