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How can it be ensured that a dashboard is not accessed by someone not authorised?

Store the dashboard in a folder that is accessible only by the appropriate users.

What are the different levels of access available for sharing a report or dashboard folder?

Viewer, Editor and Manager

What are the different types of reports?

Tabular, Summary, Matrix and Joined

Which report format can be used to display a Sales Rep Performance Scorecard?

Joined Report

Which dashboard component(s) can be used to display a grand total?

Gauge and Metric

Which report format does not support bucket fields and cross filters?

Joined Report

Which report formats support custom summary formulas?

Summary, Matrix and Joined Report

What impact does the sharing model have when running reports?

Security and sharing model settings are applied when running a report so users will only see data they have access to.

What customization options are available in reports?

Define Filters, Define & Name Ranges in ‘Bucket’ fields, Summarize Number and Currency fields, Conditional Highlighting of summarized values, Custom Summary Formulas

What data will a dashboard display?

A dashboard will display data a user has access to if defined as ‘dynamic’, or run as a ‘running user’ to display data that user has access to.

What are the different dashboard components types?

Chart, gauge, metric, table and Visualforce

When are dashboards refreshed?

Manually or scheduled to refresh daily, weekly or monthly

Why would a custom report type be created?

To specify the types of related records included (with or without) and add additional fields e.g. fields related to a lookup

What relationships are possible when creating custom report types?

‘With’ related records and ‘with or without’ related records

How many levels can a custom report type have?

4 levels – a primary object and 3 related objects

Are standard report types defined as ‘with’ or ‘without’ related records?

‘With’ related records

After adding a group to a report in Lightning Experience, what can be shown or hidden from the bottom of the preview pane?

After adding a group, it is possible to show or hide detail rows, subtotals, and a grand total by toggling switches at the bottom of the preview pane.

Which dashboard component in Lightning Experience can show up to 200 records and 10 columns from any field in a source report’s report type?

Lightning Table

What are some of the capabilities that are available on the joined report run page in Lightning Experience?

Adding a chart, editing filters, adding the report to a dashboard, and sorting columns and groups

In Lightning Experience, what is required for using a joined report as the data source for a dashboard component?

A chart must be added to the joined report.

What is an action layout?

Action layouts are used to customize the layout of a page associated with an action.

What is the difference between a global action and object-specific action?

A global action creates an unrelated record. An object-specific action creates a record associated with another record.

What kind of actions can be defined for the Salesforce mobile app?

Global Actions, Object-Specific Actions and Custom Actions (Visualforce pages or Canvas Apps)

How is the landing page configured in Salesforce mobile app?

The first item in the navigation menu becomes the landing page.

What is a compact layout?

A compact layout determines the key fields that are displayed at the top of a record detail page.

Can a user have a different page layout for the browser interface and Salesforce mobile app for the same object?

No, the same page layout is used for both the browser interface and Salesforce mobile app.

How are related lists handled in the Salesforce mobile app?

The Related page displays the related lists for an object and clicking on a related list displays the first 4 fields of each record.

What is displayed in the Apps section of the navigation menu?

Any items placed below the Smart Search Items when the navigation menu is customized

How can the Salesforce mobile app be branded?

The background color, loading page color and loading page logo can be configured.