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Which operator would need to be used to connect two or more strings in a formula field?

& (Concatenate)

Which data types can be returned by a formula field in Salesforce?

A formula field can return text, number, currency, checkbox, percent, date, date/time, or time.

What functions are available for roll-up summary fields?

Count, Sum, Max, Min

What types of functions can be utilized in a formula field?

Date & Time, Logical, Math, Text, and Advanced

What are some limitations of roll-up summary fields?

There is a max number of roll-up summary fields per object (25). They do not work for lookup relationships. They cannot roll-up a formula field that references a field on another object or contains a dynamic date function.

What is the object requirement for roll-up summary fields?

The object must be on the master side of a master-detail relationship between two objects. Some standard relationships such as Account and Opportunity are also supported.

When do validation rules stop a record from saving?

When the formula or expression defined equals True

What can the REGEX function do?

It can be used to specify a format that a field should be entered in. For example, REGEX(Social_Security_Number__c , [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}) specifies that the field should be in the Social Security Number format.

Where can an error message associated with a validation rule appear?

On top of the page or next to a field

Which formula field function can be used to return the conversion rate to the corporate currency for a given currency ISO code?


Which formula would need to be defined in a formula field to add 6 months to a custom field named 'Contract_Start_Date__c'?

ADDMONTHS(Contract_Start_Date__c, 6)