20th Century Furniture Style

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Who was the leader of the Art Nouveau period? A period when skilled hand craftsmanship was brought back to style after the mass-made productions during the victorian period.

William Morris

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Who was another leader of the Arts & Craft period?

Gustav Stickley
His aim was to create a unique American style that reflected the rustic influence of the American West.

Stickley furniture is sturdy and built to last, with minimal lines. It is usually made from oak that is stained or left bare—but never painted.

What are the key characteristics of Art Nouveau style?

Asymmetrical curves of nature
Carved wood
“Plasticity” in form

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Who are other notable people during the Art Nouveau period?

1) Louis Comfort Tiffany
2) Charles Rennie Mckintosh: Focused on straight, vertical lined furniture and japanese influenced

Define: Modernism

It is furniture that praises the virtues of the machine age. It is furniture that is in love with the new materials made possible by the machine age—formed wood, steel, and plastic.

What were the three pillars of the modernism movement?

1) Functionalism and simplicity in design
2) Machine production
3) Machine-age materials

Who was the father of modern architecture?

Louis Sullivan

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Frank Lloyd Wright was influenced by what culture just like Mckintosh? What school was influenced by him?

Japanese culture. The Prairie School of architecture. He believed the inside of homes should be designed down to the details by the architect just as much as the exterior of a home. Much of his furniture was massive/exuded heaviness

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What motto did the Bauhaus movement live by?

"less is more". The objective is to strip away all superfluous detail until you are left with only the essential elements.
This style is sometime referred to as minimalism

Who was the founder of the Bauhaus movement?

Walter Gropius. He highly praised the new man-made materials—steel, glass, and concrete

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Which other architect also believed a home should be designed externally AND internally?

Le Corbusier.
What is readily apparent is his use of man-made materials and their adaptation for mass production.

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What famously designed furniture did Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969)—pronounced MEEZ-VAN-der-roe design?

the barcelona chair and table

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Marcel Bruer designed an adaption of this Thonet chair which was one of the first mass produced classics.

he designed a curved, tubular metal chair.

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What is the Art Deco style?

It combines elements of the Bauhaus style (man made materials) with Art Nouveau concepts (wood but based on man made rectangle shapes, highly lacquered wood-glorified ornamentation.

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What are some Art Deco influences?

Egyption, Aztec, and Mayan influence. Every man-made object was it's subject (street signs, buildings, vacuum cleaners etc)

What are characteristics of Scandinavian design?

1) Smaller
2) Less-expensive
3) Simple lines
4) Earthy quality of natural wood

What are some other styles in modern design?

1) Eclecticism: Use of furniture from different time periods/styles
2) Nostalgia: A contemporary design and graft onto it details from past epochs
3) Supergraphics: walls were decorated with huge stripes of bright colors, gigantic letters and geometric forms
4) Pop-art: a style that reduces everything to comic-strip simplicity
5) High-tech: t uses the objects and motifs of industry as its ideal

What is the Herman Miller Aeron Chair?

An ergonomic chair with distinctive, curvy shape, with a mesh back and adjustable features.

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What are features in the Postmodernism design?

1) addition of a circle to a classic traditional shape
2) splitting in half of a traditional shape

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What are the qualities of Memphis design?

It is intentionally humorous, mocking, eccentric. It seems to call attention to the instability and insignificance of consumer objects, including furniture.

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The French designer Philippe Starck is one of the most prominent, influential modern designers—and his designs expand to many different areas. He has designed sleek interiors for hotels and public spaces around the world. He has designed everyday products like toothbrushes and juice squeezers.

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