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How do you handle good features in a room and negative features in a room.

Accentuate the good, and eliminate or camouflage the bad.

The moment you enter a room, what is the first think you do?

Have a "conversation" with it. Look for stylistic elements, focus points, and any negative features.

What are the rules for pattern use when decorating a room to create a sense of harmony?

Use one bold pattern in a room in which the same pattern can be used in different elements of the room.

As you continue your conversation with the room, what other two things do you now want to consider?

The scale and proportion in a room.
Scale ex: Am I happy with the size of the room or do I wish it was bigger or smaller?
Proportion ex: Does the room feel too narrow, or ceilings too high?

How can you make furniture look smaller to be in scale with a smaller room?

Upholster it in dark color or small design motif. You can also repeat a pattern used elsewhere in a room to create unity (coherence)

How do you make a big room feel smaller?

1) Scale. Think big: Big furniture. Big patterns.
2) Color. Use darker colors on walls. Dark colors make things advance—appear to be closer and smaller.
3) Coherence. Aim for diversity rather than unity.

Tips for making a narrow room feel wider?

1) Paint long walls a lighter color and end walls a darker color/use dark wood paneling
2) Floor-to-ceiling Mirror the long walls

What are some different molding options used to adjust ceiling height of room?

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How do you make ceilings feel proportionately lower?

1) Use horizontal lines in trim (ie crown molding, wainscoting etc. and other decorative elements.
2) Paint crown molding same color as ceiling.
3) Lower ceiling with dropped ceiling
4) Create an illusory dropped ceiling with a line near the ceiling and paint everything above it black

Tips for "raising" a low ceiling?

1) Remove/ camouflage any horizontal lines/elements. 2) Install shorter baseboard,
3) use vertical wallpaper pattern
4) Paint crown molding same color as the wall to carry eye upward.
5) Paint ceiling white (best) or bright color to appear that its receding.