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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

the psychoanalyst
the psychoanalysis
to psychoanalyze

el, la psicoanalista
el psicoanálisis

We became stuck in a ravine.
- the ravine

Nos quedamos atorados en una cañada.
- la cañada

The presidents were handpicked.
lit: were chosen "by fingermark"
th/incomplete passive

Los presidentes se escogían "por dedazo".

transcendental (relating to a spiritual realm), momentous

trascendental (2)
Note: no 'n'

I sold my Beetle, a beat-up Volkswagen.
- the Beetle
- beat-up, ramshackle

Vendí mi vocho, un destartalado Volkswagen.
- el vocho
- destartalado/a (2)

It was almost night.
lit: It was almost of the night

Era casi de noche.

Everything that I had I could carry [it] with two hands.
- to carry (to load, to charge, to fill)

Todo lo que tenía lo podía cargar con las dos manos.
- cargar

my command of the language
- the command (not "el dominio"), the management

mi manejo del idioma
- el manejo (2)

It's hard to read his bad handwriting.
- the writing, the handwriting

Es difícil leer su mala escritura.
- la escritura (2)

Well, either him or someone who had access to his computer.
- either ... or

Bueno, ya sea él o alguien que tuvo acceso a su computadora.
- ya sea ... o (note subj)

the grammar

la gramática

the Palestinian

el palestino, la palestina

to have done so

el haberlo hecho

the professionalism

el profesionalismo

I told her: "I burned my bridges".
lit: I burned the ships

Le dije: "Quemé las naves".

My teachers were extremely understanding.
- extremely (not "extremamente"), highly (not "altamente")

Mis maestros fueron sumamente comprensivos.
- sumamente (2)

the rigid stereotypes
- rigid

los rígidos estereotipos
- rígido/a

I had light brown hair and greenish-blue eyes.
- light brown, chestnut

Tenía el pelo castaño y los ojos verdiazules.
- castaño/a

to assimilate
to be assimilated
the assimilation

asimilar (trans)
la asimilación

He was right about working in English.
- about (lit: regard to)
m/alt: "lo de"

Tuvo razón respecto a trabajar en inglés.
- repecto a (note: with a "c")

In fact, I rode the crest of the Latin wave.
- to ride (to get on/into)

De hecho, yo me subí a la cresta de la ola latina.
- subirse a

The noodles that we used to secretly warm up.
- the noodle
- secretly (2)
- in secret

Los fideos que calentábamos a escondidas.
- el fideo
- a escondidas, secretamente
- en secreto

pink (adj)
the pink

el rosado

the closet

el clóset

a student of Ashanti heritage
- the heritage (the inheritance)

un estudiante de herencia asante
- la herencia

A student contrived to stick a 25 cent coin to a little thread ...
- contrived to (th/an idiom)
(from the verb: to engineer)
- the cent
- the little thread

Un estudiante se las ingenió para pegar una moneda de 25 centavos a un hilito ...
- se las ingenió para
(del verbo: ingeniar - trans)
- el centavo
- el hilito

... that went up and down through the phone slot
- the slot

... que subía y bajaba por la rendija del teléfono
- la rendija

the crack in the ceiling
- the crack (not "la grieta")

la rendija en el techo
- la rendija

the trick

el truco

I always sought out the local newscast at six o'clock.
- to seek out (to look for, to search for)

Siempre buscaba el noticiero local a las seis de la tarde.
- buscar

He kindly met me without knowing me.
Hint: not "conocer" in first part
- kindly

Él amablemente me recibió sin conocerme.
- amablemente

a course in civics
- the civics

un curso en civismo
- el civismo

A handshake is a sign of civility.
- the handshake
- the squeeze
- the civility (the civics)

Un apretón de manos es una señal de civismo.
- el apretón de manos
- el apretón
- el civismo
