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device named after Pauli; tandem variety; FTCIR type; MALDI; ESI; surface-enhanced version; combined with gas chromatography

mass spectroscopy

4-methyl-lumbelli-ferone; G444R missense mutation; a buildup of GM2 gangliosides; cherry red spot on the retina, HEXA gene on chromosome 15; related to Sandhoff or AB Variant disease; Jacob Sheep; hexosaminidase A deficiency


Mersenne ones are one less than power of 2; every even integer greater than two can be expressed as a sum of two (Goldbach's conjecture); Miller-Rabin test can find them; Reimann's hypothesis could describe their distribution; 8th of Hilbert's problems describes them; Fermat names special case; Fermat's Little Theorem can give Carmichael or pseudo ones; Wall-Sun-Sun type; twin ones differ by two; Euler proved that there are an infinite number

prime numbers

founder of quantum theory; 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics; momentum divided by namesake constant is De Broglie's wavelength; namesake constant explains photoelectric effect and Heisenberg uncertainty principle; solved ultraviolet catastrophe; names an epoch in which gravity dominated the four fundamental forces; names smallest measurable unit in the universe

Max Planck

student of Tycho Brahe; laws formulating after observing Mars; determined most efficient way to back a sphere; author of Mysterium Cosmographicum; Platonic solids in sphere could measure six known planets; planets move in elliptical orbit around the Sun (law of ellipses/first law); lines connecting planets and Sun will sweep out in equal areas of time, which is derived from the law of conservation of angular momentum (law of equal areas/second law); The square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis (law of harmonies, third law)


TIM/TOM complex; cardiolipin; cytochrome C; ubiquinone; Kearns-Sayre Syndrome; cristae; complexes I-III


pool of mercury; contradicted Fizeau experiment; half-silvered mirror; replicated with Dayton Miller; related to Trouton-Noble and Kennedy-Thorndike experiments; Fitzgerald and Lorentz used time dilation as explanation; Sagnac effect discovered in variant; related to Hammar experiment

Michelson-Morley experiment