Ser and Estar

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  1. Look at the card, do you know this one? Click to flip the card and check yourself.
  2. Mark card Right or Wrong, this card will be removed from the deck and your score kept.
  3. At any point you can Shuffle, Reveal cards and more via Deck controls.
  4. Continue to reveal the wrong cards until you have correctly answered the entire deck. Good job!
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  6. Come back soon, we'll keep your score.
    “Repetition is the mother of all learning.”
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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #


to be- Permanent


to be- Temporary

Yo soy viejo.

I am old.

Tú eres joven.

You are young

él es de Cuba.

He is from Cuba.

Ella es profesora.

She is teacher.

Ud. es de los Estados Unidos.

You (formal, singular) are from the United States.

Nosotros somos amigos

We are friends.

Ellos son simpáticos

They are nice

Uds. son estudiantes.

You (formal, plural) are students.

Yo estoy alegre.

I am happy.

Tú estás bien hoy.

You are well today.

Ella está en casa.

She is at home.

Nosotros estamos cansados.

We are tired.

Ellos están enfermos.

They are sick.