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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

the siren

la sirena

The five firefighters took shelter inside the truck.
- to take shelter
(to safeguard)

Los cinco bomberos se resguardaban dentro del camión.
- resguardarse

Two officers got out of the police car.
- to get out (of a car)

Dos oficiales se bajaron del auto policial.
- bajarse

the surrounding area of the property
- the surrounding area

las inmediaciones de la propiedad
- las inmediaciones

a human chain
(the lace, the cord)

un cordón humano
(el cordón)

Nor did they hear calls for help or assistance.
- the assistance, the help

Tampoco escucharon pedidos de ayuda o de socorro.
- el socorro

We can examine the rest of the house carefully.
lit: with care
- carefully (not "con cuidado" "cuidadosamente")
- the care

Podemos examinar el resto de la casa con detenimiento.
- con detenimiento
- el detenimiento

There was an open door that led to a basement.
- the basement (not "el sótano")

Había una puerta abierta que llevaba a un subsuelo.
- el subsuelo

The Madrid Convention Center was bursting at the seams.
- the pin

En el Centro de Convenciones de Madrid no cabía ni un alfiler.
- el alfiler

He would have between one and two hours to deliver his talk.
- to deliver (to develop)

Él tendría entre una y dos horas para desarrollar su charla.
- desarrollar

The attending public would have the opportunity to dispel all its doubts about the presentation.
- attending
- to dispel one's doubts lit: remove from oneself (not "desvanecer" "disipar")

Él público asistente tendría la oportunidad de sacarse todas sus dudas sobre la presentación.
- asistente
- sacarse sus dudas

but it was commented that it could have a huge impact
- to be commented

pero se comentaba que podría tener un impacto enorme
- comentarse m/pronominal passive)

the auditorium, the audience

el auditorio (2)

the gag order
- the gag
(to gag)

la orden de mordaza
- la mordaza

she was trying to make her way
- to make one's way (not "abrirse paso")

ella intentaba hacerse paso
- hacerse paso

they had posters with captions such as
- the caption (the legend)

tenían carteles con leyendas como
- la leyenda

once again assembled to express their anger
- to manifest, to express
(to show up, to demonstrate, to manifest)

una vez más reunida para manifestar su enojo
- manifestar (trans)

the lateral movement
the side entrance
- lateral, side

el movimiento lateral
la entrada lateral
- lateral

Luz took the stage by the left side.
- the side (not "el lado" "el costado")

Luz subió al escenario por el lateral izquierdo.
- el lateral

All the seats of the auditorium were occupied.
- the seat (in a theater) (not "la localidad")

Todas las butacas del auditorio estaban ocupadas.
- la butaca

Our goal is that the entire planet has access to solar electric energy.

Nuestra meta es que todo el planeta tenga acceso a energía eléctrica solar.
(note subj - th/a goal, uncertain if can achieve)

The 500 people far surpassed the 20 who were against.
- to far surpass
- the increase (e.g., of my wealth)

Las 500 personas superaban con creces a las 20 que estaban en contra.
- superar con creces
- las creces (p.e., de mi fortuna)

a crowd shouting and hoisting placards
- to hoist (to lift, to raise)
- the placard

una multitud gritando y alzando pancartas
- alzar
- la pancarta

in the hall of the building
- the hall (not "el salón"), the lobby (not "el recibidor")

en el hall del edificio
- el hall (2)

the smaller tax burden
- fiscal, tax
(the load)

la menor carga fiscal
- fiscal (2)
(la carga)

the global outreach of the media
- the outreach (the projection)

la proyección global de los medios
- la proyección

The company's facilities were supplied 100% with renewable energy.
- the facility (the installation)
- to be supplied
(to supply) (to stock up on, to obtain)

Las instalaciones de la compañía se abastecían en un 100% de energías renovables.
- la instalación
- abastecerse m/pronominal passive
(abastecer) (abastecerse de)

the wind power
- (of) wind

la energía eólica
- eólico/a

The management department was made up of Uma and Sandra.
Sanda y Uma make up the ...
- to make up (to integrate, to include)

El departamento de gestión estaba integrado por Uma y Sandra.
Sandara y Ima integra el ...
- integrar

the term, the quarter (not "el cuatrimestre" - also both)

el trimestre (2)
