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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

an aura of mystery
- the halo, the aura

un halo de misterio
- el halo (2)

She wondered if what she felt for him would be reciprocated.
- reciprocated, matched

Se preguntaba si lo que ella sentía por él sería correspondido.
- corespondido/a

although it could well be that he had no interest in her

aunque bien podría ser que no tuviera ningún interés en ella
(note subj - impersonal)

the pioneer

el pionero, la pionera

the story continued its course
- the course (the course - education)

la historia continuaba su curso
- el curso

the legion

la legión

clairvoyant (not "vidente")
the clairvoyance

la clarividencia

the preparatory exercises
- preparatory

los ejercicios preparatorios
- preparatorio/a



while she was going up the stairs in jumps

mientras subía la escalera de a saltos

It was a great compliment.
- the compliment (not "el cumplido")

Fue un gran halago.
- el halago

Then it would be a matter of matching up a schedule that works well for both of them.
- to match up (to combine)

Luego sería cuestión de combinar un horario que les quede bien a los dos.
- combinar
(note subj of quedar)

She hates her handwriting.
- the handwriting (not "la letra" "la escritura" "la caligrafía")
- handwritten

Odia su letra manuscrita.
- la letra manuscrita
- manuscrito/a

It's been so long since she wrote by hand.
lit: It's been so long that she doesn't write by hand.

Hace tanto que no escribe a mano.

was noticeable from a mile away
to stand out (to be seen) from a mile away
lit: at a league
- the league

se notaba a la legua
verse a la legua
- la legua

the membership (2)

la membresía (L.A.), los miembros

and would continue doing so anywhere
lit: in the site that might be

y seguiría haciéndolo en el sitio que sea

in order to unleash your potential
- to unleash (not "desencadenar") (to liberate, to free)

para liberar su potencial
- liberar

We all have that talent in the making. lit: in potential

Todos tenemos ese talento en potencia.

The ability is in a latent state. Dormant.
- latent
- dormant

La habilidad está en estado latente. Adormecido.
- latente
- adormecido/a

The teacher's monotonous voice left the students sleepy.
- sleepy (dormant)
- to put to sleep

La voz monótona del profesor dejó a los alumnos adormecidos.
- adormecido/a
- adormecer (trans)

I looked like a fool. lit: I was like
- the fool (not "el tonto" "el necio")
(You're looking like a little girl!)
- to look like

Quedé como una estúpida.
- el estúpido, la estúpida
(¡Está quedando como una nenita!)
- quedar como

(the disaster)

(el desastre)

to dramatize
the dramatization

la dramatización

When they don't like them, obviously. lit: clear it is
- obviously (not "obviamente")

Cuando no les gustan, claro está.
- claro está

That a man rejects a woman is rarer.

Que un hombre rechace a una mujer es más raro.
(note subj - ?/unlikely to exist)

the guardian

el,la guardiana

the affinity

la afinidad

in order to develop countless other skills
- countless (not "incontable")

para desarrollar un sinnúmero de otras habilidades
- un sinnúmero de

Then I will ask you to recommend a meditation in particular.

Luego te pediré me recomiendes alguna meditación en particular.
(note subj - desire, similar to "pedir que")
