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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

it would not be unheard of
- unheard-of

no sería inaudito
- inaudito/a

without further introduction, she asked him

sin mayores introducciones, le preguntó

Excellent! Same as me!

¡Excelente! Igual que yo.

The dog is up to its old tricks in the garden.
alt: is doing it's thing

El perro está haciendo de las suyas en el jardín. (2)
- hacer de las suyas

Carlos had amassed a fortune.
- to amass (to knead)

Carlos había amasado una fortuna
- amasar

The parties were losing the appeal they had at the beginning.
- the appeal (the charm)

Las fiestas fueron perdiendo el encanto que tenían al principio.
- el encanto
?/why not "iban perdiendo". Maybe some appeal already lost, i.e., aspects completed.

The house was –by far– the most luxurious in the city.
- by far (not "con diferencia")

La casa era –por lejos– la más lujosa de la cuidad.
- por lejos

the volleyball

el vóley

a nostalgic (i.e., a nostalgic person)

un nostálgico

without the need to squander money
- to squander (not "malgastar" - to waste, to squander)

sin la necesidad de despilfarrar dinero
- despilfarrar

I felt an overwhelming sense of fear.
- overwhelming (not "abrumador")
(to overwhelm, to burden)

Sentí una sensación agobiante de temor.
- agobiante

the heat in Buenos Aires is so oppressive
- oppressive (overwhelming)

el calor en Buenos Aires es tan agobiante
- agobiante

a leading role

un rol protagónico

with the greatest accuracy
- the exactitude, the accuracy

con la mayor exactitud
- la exactitud (2)

the catering

el catering

The brochettes were made on the grill.
lit: at the coals
- the hot coal (the ember)

Los brochettes estaban hechos a las brasas.
- la brasa

They ate until they were full.

Ellos comieron hasta llenarse.

We need to move the table to the other side of the room.
- to move

Necesitamos mover la mesa al otro lado del cuarto.
- mover (trans) (o->ue) yo muevo

Carlos smiles at her and looks away.
(not "desvía la mirada")

Carlos le sonríe y lleva su mirada hacia otro lado.

with his lifelong friends

con sus amigos de toda la vida

the leprosy
the leper

la lepra
el leproso, la leprosa

drinks with more alcohol content
- the alcohol content (the graduation, the adjustment)

bebidas con más graduación [alcohólica]
- la graduación

And tomorrow at 8 in the morning I want you all up!

¡Y mañana a las 8 de la mañana las quiero a todas arriba!.

the grounds of the house
- the grounds (not "los predios") (the park)

el parque de la casa
- el parque

Is he pretending to be asleep?
- to pretend to be asleep

¿Se está haciendo el dormido?
- hacerse el dormido

It's the right thing to do.
lit: it is what is fitting
(to be appropriate, to be fitting)

Es lo que corresponde.

She never had much sympathy for the police.
And less so in moments like these.

Nunca tuvo mucha simpatía por la policía.
Y menos en momentos como estos.
(m/ "por" emotion for)

The wake began at 10 pm that same day, in a funeral home.
- the wake, the vigil (not "el velorio" <- also both)
- the funeral home (not "la funeraria") (lit: the house of burials)

El velatorio comenzó a las 10pm de ese mismo día, en una casa de sepelios.
- el velatorio (2)
- la casa de sepelios

Through his work as a businessman, Carlos had become known in much of the world.
- to become known (lit: to make oneself known)

Por su trabajo como empresario, Carlos se había hecho conocido en gran parte del mundo.
- hacerse conocido

in short

en resumidas cuentas
