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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

Then I´ll take a nap.
lit: I'm sleeping the nap

Después duermo la siesta.

Shall we eat in a Chinese or a Mexican restaurant? :: It doesn't matter to me.
lit: it gives the same to me

¿Comemos en un restaurante chino o mexicano?:: Me da igual.

I don't care about that stuff.

A mí me dan igual esas cosas.

the gala

la gala

the custom-made dresses
- custom-made, tailor-made

los vestidos hechos a medida
- hecho a medida

the purse (the wallet)
(the handbag)

la cartera
(la bolsa)

the music for ensembles, operas and ballets
- the ensemble
(the opera)
- the ballet

la música para ensambles, óperas y ballets
- el ensamble
(la ópera)
- el ballet ('l' sound, 't' is pronounced)

the rock performer
- the performer (the interpreter)

el intérprete de rock
- el,la intérprete

the oil (the painting, also: culinary - not "el aceite")

el óleo

Alina has a wonderful soprano voice.
- soprano
- the soprano

Alina tiene una voz de soprano maravillosa.
- de soprano, soprano (m/f)
- el,la soprano

the jellyfish

la medusa

The case: They were involved in it.

El caso: ellos estaban involucrados en él.

made him even more sleepy
hint: do not use "adormecido"

le daba aún más sueño

in the intermission (2)

en el tiempo intermedio, en el intermedio

I have lived through the unease that technological change brings.
- the unease

He vivido la zozobra que trae el cambio tecnológico.
- la zozobra

to achieve that the dialogues are clear
- clear, sharp

lograr que los díalogos sean nítidos
- nítido/a

Lola collects fridge magnets.
- the magnet, the imam

Lola colecciona imanes de refrigerador.
- el imán (2)

She has drawn praise and vilification.
- the vilification
- to vilify (trans) she vilified him

Ella ha atraído elogios y vilipendios.
- el vilipendio
- vilipendiar (trans) ella lo vilipendió

the open pit mining
- the mining

la minería a cielo abierto
- la minería

I can't keep my opinion to myself?
- to keep to myself
(to keep for oneself)

¿Acaso no me puedo guardar mi opinión?
- guardarse
(guardarse para uno mismo)

But what do I know; I've never been married.
- what do I know

Pero yo qué sé; nunca he estado casado.
- yo qué sé

How do you spell "conscience"? :: I don't know. Ask mom.
- I don't know (what do I know)
lit: How is "conscience" spelled

¿Cómo se deletrea "conciencia"? :: Yo qué sé. Pregúntale a mami.
- yo qué sé
(deletrearse - m/pronominal passive)

Save your drafts until the final revision is completed.
- to save (to guard)
- to be completed

Guardar sus borradores hasta que se complete la revisión final.
- guardar
- completarse (m/pronominal passive - note subj)

to guard
to keep the receipts
to put (away) the coin in his
to save the drafts
to store the sauce

guardar los comprobantes
guardar la moneda en el bolsillo
guardar los borradores
guardar la salsa

A passerby called the firefighters.
- the passerby

Un transeúnte llamó a los bomberos.
- el,la transeúnte

The car lost control and ran over two pedestrians.
- the pedestrian (not "el peatón") (the passerby)

El auto perdió el control y atropelló a dos transeúntes
- el,la transeúnte

If you experience withdrawal symptoms, inform your doctor right away.
- the abstinence, the withdrawal

Si experimenta síntomas de abstinencia, informe de inmediato a su médico.
- la abstinencia (2)
(experimentar) (informar)

After so many years of marriage, he knew very well the subtlety of her methods.
- the subtlety

Después de tantos años de casados, él conocía muy bien la sutileza de sus métodos.
- la sutileza

the new soprano met the minimum expected
- expected (2)

la nueva soprano cumplió con lo mínimo esperable
- esperable alt: esperado

The idea has permeated even the courts.
- to permeate

La idea ha permeado incluso los tribunales.
- permear (NYT, not in SpanishDict)
