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Right: #
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# Right & # Wrong of #

the reign of the Catholic kings that led to the unification of the kingdoms
- the reign
- to lead to (to suppose, to assume, to entail)

el reinado de los reyes católicos que supuso la unificación de los reinos
- el reinado
- suponer

On many occasions he had backed out at the last minute.
- to back out
(to back down)

En muchas oportunidades se había echado atrás en el último minuto.
- echarse atrás
(echarse para atrás)

the fear that what he was going to do would work

el miedo a que lo que él iba a hacer funcione
(m/subj triggers the conditional)

to dethrone
the dethroning

el destronamiento

the six-year period

el sexenio

the regency

la regencia

The History of Spain
(1) Antiquity
- the pre-Roman age
- ~200 BC: the Roman age

La Historia de España
(1) La Edad Antigua
- la etapa prerromana
- ~200 a.C.: la etapa romana

The History of Spain
(2) The Middle Ages
- ~450 AD: the Visigoth period

La Historia de España
(2) La Edad Media
- ~450 d.C.: el periodo visigodo

- 711 AD: the al-Ándalus period (the Conquest)
- 1491 AD: the conquest of Granada (the Reconquest)

- 711 d.C.: el periodo al-Ándalus (la conquista)
- 1491 d.C.: la conquista de Granada (la reconquista)

The History of Spain
1931: The Second Republic
1936-39: the civil war: Republicans vs Nationalists
1939-75: the Franco dictadorship

La Historia de España
1931: La Segunda República
1936-39: la guerra civil: republicanos vs nacionales
1939-75: la dictadura franquista

Only time will tell.

Solo el tiempo lo dirá.

the prisoner count
- the count
(not "el recuento": the count, the recount)

el conteo de presos
- el conteo

the playlist

la lista de reproducción

Potassium is an essential mineral that can be lost through sweating.
- the potassium
- the mineral
- to be lost (to get lost, to miss: a chance to do something)

El potasio es un mineral esencial que se puede perder con el sudor.
- el potasio
- el mineral
- perderse

Mathematics is not an area that excites my curiosity.
- the mathematics
- to excite

La matemática no es un área que excita mi curiosidad.
- la matemática
- excitar (trans)

The membrane contains a special dye which is excited by light.
- the membrane
- the dye, the coloring (not "el tinte": the dye, the color)
- to get excited

La membrana contiene un colorante especial que se excita con la luz.
- la membrana
- el colorante (2)
- excitarse

so fashionable that it overwhelms the rhythms of medicine
- to overwhelm (to overflow)
(the rhythm, the pace)

tan de moda que desborda los ritmos de la medicina
- desbordar
(el ritmo)

The listeners think of me as the one who cuts off Juan.
lit: have me
m/alt: interrupts Juan
(to cut, to cut off, to cut up, to disconnect, to break up)

Los oyentes me tienen como él que corta a Juan.

to listen without interruptions
lit: without cuts

escuchar sin cortes

They had to put the bedding in such a way that they simulated a shape.
- the bedding (el Cono Sur)
- the shape, the silhouette (not "la silueta")

Debían poner los acolchados de forma tal que simularan un bulto.
- el acolchado (el Cono Sur)
- el bulto
(simular - note past subj)

With the new padding, the seats are much more comfortable.
- the padding (the bedding: el Cono Sur)
- to pad

Con el acolchado nuevo, los asientos están mucho más cómodos.
- el acolchado
- acolchar

Manolo had taken the trouble to draw plans with the routes.
lit: had taken on himself the job
- to take the trouble
- the route (the trip)

Manolo se había tomado el trabajo de dibujar planos con los recorridos.
- tomarse el trabajo
- el recorrido

I sound like a broken record.
lit: a scratched record
- to scratch (not "rasguñar", "rascar": to relieve an itch)

Parezco un disco rayado.
- rayar

Each pack of antacids contains 20 pills.
- the antacid
- the pill (not "la pastilla" "la píldora")

Cada paquete de antiácidos contiene 20 comprimidos.
- el antiácido
- el comprimido

Metformin is used to treat type 2 diabetes.
- metformin

La metformina se utiliza para tratar diabetes tipo 2.
- la metformina
(utilizarse m/pronominal passive)

I was left wondering.
lit: I stayed with the doubt

Me quedé con la duda.

the grease (the fat)

la grasa

as he made his way through the duct
- to make one's way

mientras se abría paso por el ducto
- abrirse paso

The idea of seeing him again repulsed her.
- to repulse
- repulsive
- the repulsion

La idea de volver a verlo la repulsaba.
- repulsar (trans)
- repulsivo/a
- la repulsión

From the sewer came a nauseating smell.
- nauseating

De la alcantarilla salía un olor nauseabundo.
- nauseabundo/a
